Emotional Resilience

Emotional Resilience is one of our essential skills in modern life. Everyday we often experience many levels of emotions. And it can be said that humans are the weakest creatures in the world. We can hurt just because of the heartless words of everyone around us. We can also "explode" with a series of complex emotions after dealing with troublesome problems in life.

Not everyone knows how to recover the sweet, happy feelings inside them. Not everyone has the necessary skills to protect themselves from life's events. Therefore, we must learn how to build "Emotional Resilience" for ourselves. First, calm your mind. People often wonder why I am always comfortable and comfortable. Actually, no one in life is not going through events. As a woman, I also sometimes feel tired, lonely, and standstill. But I also understand that nothing in life is eternal, including our pain. So, instead of holding the sadness in my heart, I chose to calm my mind.Usually, I choose to meditate and listen to music. Keeping your body calm will help keep your mind from "moving". You will not think too much about the trauma you are suffering.

But this is not as easy as we think it is. In order to calm your mind and train your Emotional Resilience, you need to learn to accept. And this takes hundreds, even thousands, of tons of resilience from you. And one more thing that you need to remember, accepting is completely different from giving up. Acceptance means agreeing to consider the problems we are having as an obvious fact in life. Only then can we find ways to solve problems instead of overwhelming in suffering and always shying away from finding solutions to our problems. One little secret to better Emotional Resilience skills is to be careful about the environment and everything that happens around us. There is a saying: to know what a person is like, look at his friends. As can be seen, our friends and our surroundings greatly affect our lives. Therefore, look for positive environments and positive friends. If one day feeling the negative energy is gradually "invading" and draining both our mind and body, then it is best to review our living environment. And most of all, to overcome your grief, living with purpose is a very important secret. Emotional Resilience will become more effective as we learn to maintain a purpose for ourselves ...


Happy new year 2024!

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